Formaldehyde-Free Wall Board

Formaldehyde-Free Wall Board

The Benefits of Formaldehyde-free Insulation Formaldehyde-free insulation is the right thing for the environment and your home.Better for the Environment
Formaldehyde-free insulation means a better smelling home, and less formaldehyde in the air.

Why is Formaldehyde bad?

Formaldehyde is classified as a human carcinogen and has been linked to nasal and lung cancer, with possible links to brain cancer and leukemia. Short-term exposure to formaldehyde can be fatal. Long-term exposure to low levels of formaldehyde may cause respiratory difficulty, eczema, and sensitization. The following references aid in recognizing formaldehyde hazards in the workplace.Energy Efficiency and Sound Dampening
Your home will feel the benefits of formaldehyde-free insulation which saves enough energy each year to fuel North America’s electric consumption for an entire month. JM Formaldehyde-free home insulation gives the highest quality thermal and acoustical benfits the same way as conventional fiber glass insulation.

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